պատմել, քարոզել զ—, to preach the -.
cf. Աւետարանագործ.
to give good news, to announce;
to evangelize, to preach the Gospel.
notification of goodnews;
preaching the Gospel.
cf. Աւետարանութիւն.
that has, firings good news.
to give, to bring good news, to announce.
cf. Աւետաւորեմ.
good news, notification of good news;
երկիր աւետեաց, land of promise;
աւետիս տալ, cf. Աւետեմ;
տօն աւետեաց, Lady-day.
present given to one who brings good news.
ruined, destroyed, desolated;
ruin, destruction;
demolition, dismantling overthrow;
waste, damage;
havock, devastation, desolation;
յ— դառնալ՝ լինել՝ մատնիլ, to be ruined, to decay, to be desolate;
յ— դարձուցանել, յ— անմարդի դնել, to ruin, to destroy, to ravage, to desolate, to harass, to infest.
ruin, demolition, destruction, desolation.
ruined, desolated;
ruin, rubbish.
ruin, desolation, ravage, devastation.
to ruin, to destroy, to demolish, to undo, to overthrow;
to ravage, to desolate, to break, to spoil.
cf. Աւերած.
cf. Աւերած.
Spanish camomile, pellitory of Spain.
lymph, humour, fluid substance, serosity, liquid.
cf. Աւիշ.
cf. Աւիշ.
fury, transport, enthusiasm.
cf. Օշակ.
cf. Օշինդր.
to run away, to vanish, to drop off.
cf. Տրմուղ.
old woman.
cf. Աւողական.
cf. Աւսարդ.
cf. Օր;
palm of the hand, handful;
— յ—ոյ, in haste, on a sudden;
—ս զ—ի հարկանեմ, to clap the hands, to applaud.
pl summit, side, declivity of a mountain, rock, high and steep place.
to confound, to stop the mouth of some one, to silence;
— լինել, to be confounded, to be unable to answer.
cf. Ափիբերանեմ.
cf. Խարխափեմ.
shore, bank, brink, coast;
steep bank, bold shore.
confined by the shore.
cf. Ապշիմ.
cf. Ապշութիւն.
plate, dish;
cf. Ափսեայ.
cf. Օշինդր
to regret.
cf. Ափսոսամ.
regret, repentance, grief.
venereal, syphilitic;
— ախտ, syphilis.
cf. Ափրոդիսեան.