very venerable, very respectable, very estimable;
right or most reverend;
most honourable.
very well prepared, quite ready.
that gives to all, generous, liberal;
given to all.
cf. Ամենապարգեւ.
very modest.
much obliged, much indebted.
very unclean, most impure, execrable, detestable.
notoriously prostitute, abandoned to prostitution.
very abundant, most plentiful;
very generous, most liberal.
holiest, very sacred, very holy;
— Կոյս, the very holy Virgin.
that has created all things, all-creating, omnipotent.
cf. Ամենաստեղծ.
cf. Ամենաստեղծ.
diffused every where, spread far and wide, very extensive.
most wonderful, very admirable.
most becoming, decent, suitable, appropriate, very convenient.
most perplexed, very anxious, very embarrassed;
very irresolute, full of inquietude.
diffused every where, very extensive, most ample.
most desirable;
most desirous.
all-watchful, that superintends all things.
the Lord or Creator of all things.
that has made all things, all-creating.
very skilful, ingenious;
very instructive;
most wise.
most shining, brightest, very bright, resplendent, shiny, glittering, blazing or beamy.
very much to be wished, most desirable.
saviour of all.
cf. Ամենեւին.
not at all, by no means, no wise, not in the least;
quite, wholly, totally, entirely.
most blessed.
cf. Ամեներանեան;
very happy.
all men, all persons, every body, as many as, whoever.
cf. Ամենեքեան.
most wise, — scientific, — learned.
prince or master of the universe.
very merciful.
containing all;
most capacious.
cf. Ամենունակ.
most blessed.
cf. Ամենօրհնեալ.
cf. Ամենօրհնեալ.
cf. Ամենայն;
amen, so be it, verily, truly, certainly, positively.
dainty, daintiness.
ամիս յամսոյ, ամսոյ ամսոյ, every —;
առաջին օր ամսոյ, the first day of the month;
ի սկիզբն ամսեան, the beginning of the month;
ի վերջ ամսոյ, the end of the month;
ի մէջ կոյս ամսեան, towards the middle of the month.
sir, esquire, master.
born of a barren woman.
to be or become barren.