Definitions containing the research տագնապաւ : 1 Results

Շտապ, ի, աւ, իւ


diligence, haste, hurry, promptitude, urgency;


urgent, pressing;
— տագնապի, too great haste, hurry, great urgency, hasty eagerness, precipitation;
constraint, imperious or urgent obligation;
pain, anguish, affliction, trouble;


—, — —, առ —, —աւ, hastily, in haste, expeditiously, speedily, diligently;
տագնապաւ, with all possible speed or despatch, in a hurry, precipitately, post-haste;
առանց —ոյ, without hurry;
— տագնապի հասուցանել, ի վերայ դնել or ի վերայ հասուցանել, to urge, to press, to force, to compel, to oblige, to constrain;
to grieve, to pain, to agonize, to harass;
— քան զասելն, no sooner said than done.